Creditors are the individual or people you owe money to. If you owe money to a creditor and cease to make payments, they can take action against you to get their money back.
If you feel you are being harassed by a creditor, there are several things you can do to stop them from doing it. The legal court is helping and providing you to consult the best Supreme Court and High Court lawyers in Jaipur for Creditor Harassment and in any other field of law whether it’s a criminal lawyer or a family dispute lawyer or a property dispute lawyer, etc.
What counts as harassment by a creditor?
If the creditor attempts to do any of the following things to get you to pay back the money you owe, then it could be considered harassment. They include:
Contacting you a no. of times a day, or untimely in the morning or late at night.
Go after you on social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook.
Pressurizing you to sell your home or take out more credit.
Using multiple debt collectors at a time to run after you for payment.
Putting pressure on you to pay off all the money, or in larger installments when you can't afford or manage to
Intimidating you physically or verbally
Take no notice of you if you say you don't owe the money
Trying to embarrass or humiliate you in public
Revealing someone else about your debts or using another person to pass on messages, like a neighbor or family member.
Indicating that legal action can be taken when it can't.
Giving the impression that court action has been taken against you when it can't be taken.
Giving the idea that not paying the debt is a criminal offense.
What doesn't count as harassment by a creditor?
Not each and every action that a creditor takes can be called harassment. Creditors are allowed to take reasonable and appropriate steps to get back the money you owe them. These include:
- sending reminders or mnemonic and demands for payment
- calling you to ask for payment
- calling at your home, as long as this is at a reasonable or appropriate time of the day
- taking legal action.
Who is harassing you?
If you’re being harassed by a creditor it's important to know who is demanding payment. They may not be the person whom you really owned money, since your original creditor is allowed to pass the debt onto someone else to collect. If your original creditor does this, they can not go after you for money. If your creditor chooses to pass the debt on, they must inform you in writing before they do it.
Your debt can be collected by:
your original creditor or money lender.
a debt collection organization acting on behalf of your creditor.
a third party who has purchased the debt from your creditor.
What steps can you take against the creditor for harassment?
You first need to find out who is literally collecting the debt.
Collect the evidence of the harassment against the creditor,
Then complain to the creditor,
And then complain to a professional body.
All the CREDITOR HARASSMENT matters are dealt with by The Legal Court Team with the best efficiency and effectiveness. The Legal Court’s professional team is known as the very Top best creditors harassment advocate team in Jaipur Rajasthan India
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